Check In
Check In Details
To view your check-in/drop off time, please log into your Bugaboo account by clicking here or by clicking on Consignor Log In to the bottom right of the homepage picture. Then click on "Check-In" on the top toolbar to select your time.
Drop Off/Check-in is at the Kendall County Fairgrounds in Yorkville on April 30 & May 1. The Fairgrounds are located at Route 71 & E. Highpoint Rd. (about 1 mile west of Route 47).
Check In Instructions
BEFORE you get to Check In
IMPORTANT: Organize your items at home before bringing them to the sale. Separate clothing by size(details below) and gender. Load your clothing and shoes last into your vehicle, so that they are the first things you take out. You will be dropping clothing and shoes off first at Building #1.
Clothing should be grouped by sizing. The list below shows how the clothing will be grouped at the sale. Please group your items at home in the same manner.
Look at the EXACT wording of the sizing on the garment's tag. Each line below is a separate grouping and will be together on a rack.
Newborn & Premie
0-3 months/3 months
3-6 months/6 months
6-9 months /9 months
6-12 months
9-12 months/12 months
12-18 months/18 months
18-24 months/24 months
4T & 4 & 4/5
5T & 5 & 5/6 & X-Small
6 & 6/7 & Small
7 & 7/8
8 & 9 & 8/10 & Medium (Nike/Under Armour/etc. Size SMALL)
10 & 10/12 & Large (Nike/Under Armour/etc. Size MEDIUM)
12 & 12/14 & X-Large (Nike/Under Armour/etc. Size LARGE)
14 & 14/16 (Nike/Under Armour/etc. Size XL)
Teen XS
Teen Small
Teen Medium
Teen Large
Teen XLarge
Costumes or Swimwear (depending on season)
Dancewear & Leotards
Women's Activewear
*These categories will be up front on separate racks. Everything else will go together within the general sizing.
When You Arrive...
* Park next to Building #1 and sign in at the registration desk. Please bring a self-addressed business-size stamped envelope and your signed consignor agreement.
* Bring your clothing and shoes in to the Inspection Tables. As your items are inspected, you will need to assist putting your clothing onto the sales floor with the help of a volunteer.
* Be sure you get your Presale pass from the registration desk.
* Drive to Building #2 and drop off everything else. You do not need to sign in at this building. There will be volunteers here also to assist you with placing your items on the sales floor.
* If you are selling a car seat, you must attach a Car Seat Waiver along with your tag.
* Each building will have security at the entrance. Once you bring items into the building for drop off, you are not allowed to bring anything OUT of the building. Therefore, if you have any clothing items that are rejected, pick them up at the table by the entrance on your way out.
Things to Bring (Recap from above):
1. Your tagged items organized by size/gender
2. Business sized self-addressed stamped envelope
3. Consignor Agreement - signed
Pick Up
Picking Up Items After the Sale
Pick Up will be on May 3 from 5pm-7pm and May 4 from 9am to 11:30am. The donations, as well as any remaining items, will be promptly loaded and taken away at 11:30am on Sunday. We cannot hold items beyond this time.
We plan to "pre-sort" on the racks during the sale to assist with an easy pick up. You will need to walk through both buildings to look for any of your remaining items. You may bring a printout of your unsold items to help you.
Be sure to look at the lost and found table near the entrance of both buildings for any of your items that lost tags.
Your check should be mailed within 7 days after the sale ends.